Keepin’ up with the rain

High 75.  Cloudy and rainy.

I don’t complain about the weather.  This is because my father, a rugged yet sensitive guy with Canadian heritage, always told me not to complain about things you can’t fix.  We all have to live with the weather, and there’s nothing we can do to change it, so I might as well just move on with my life.

That said, this has been a rainy June.  So much so that I am starting to get concerned about the tomatoes and basil I am expecting in August.  And what makes me even more concerned is that my farmers are disheartened by the weather.  Farmers!

Nevertheless, between rain drops I went down to the Manhan River trails and saw a lovely belted kingfisher (female)!

About sagelacroix

I'm an adjunct Biology instructor at Holyoke Community College in Western Mass. But I'm also an avid knitter, hiker, cook and gardener. I don't really know why I'm starting this blog, but meaning will come...
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